Photo of Chio, Danielle
Pieper, Danielle
legal  Chio, Danielle
Eighth Judicial District Court
Dept.: 7

District Court Judge

Error Rate: 21.05%15  / 4   

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  • Appointed District Court Judge to Dept. 7 of the Eighth Judicial District Court on Feb 28, 2023.
  • This term ends on Jan 6, 2025.
  • Elected District Court Judge to Dept. 7 of the Eighth Judicial District Court on Jan 6, 2025.
  • This term ends on Jan 6, 2031.
Supreme Court logo
Case No: 88117
Court Of Appeals
Dec 19, 2024
72 days since filing.

Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." COA-MG/BB/DW (COA)

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 86901
Court Of Appeals
Affirmed In Part and Reversed In Part
Dec 19, 2024
122 days since filing.

Filed Order Affirming in Part, Reversing in Part and Remanding. "We affirm the order as it relates to Ahmad's libel per se claim and remand this matter for further proceedings. However, we reverse the district court's order with respect to Ahmad's remaining claims and remand with directions for the district court to enter an order dismissing those claims in accordance with Nevada's anti-SLAPP statute." COA-MG/BB/DW. (COA)

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 87584
Supreme Court
Dec 11, 2024
394 days since filing.

Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of conviction AFFIRMED." B24-LS/KP/RP (SC)

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 88008
Court Of Appeals
Nov 1, 2024
67 days since filing.

Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." COA-MG/BB/DW (COA)

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 88127
Supreme Court
Writ Petition Denied
Oct 17, 2024
244 days since filing.

Filed Order Denying Petition for a Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition. "ORDER the petition DENIED." B24-LS/KP/RP (SC)

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 87301
Supreme Court
Affirmed In Part and Reversed In Part
Oct 17, 2024
394 days since filing.

Filed Order Affirming in Part, Reversing in Part and Remanding. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED IN PART AND REVERSED IN PART AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." B24-LS/KP/RP (SC)

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 87712
Court Of Appeals
Oct 9, 2024
100 days since filing.

Filed Order Vacating Judgment and Remanding. "ORDER the judgment of conviction VACATED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." COA-MG/BB/DW. (COA)

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 86624
Supreme Court
Oct 7, 2024
501 days since filing.

Filed Order Dismissing Appeal. This appeal was docketed in this court on May 25, 2023. Because the notice of appeal was not accompanied by the required proof of service, on July 2, 2024, this court entered an order directing appellant to filed the required proof of service within 14 days. Appellant has failed to provide proof the notice of appeal was served on respondents, this appeal is dismissed. fn1[ In light of this order, no action will be taken on any of the pending documents appellant has

2022 Election
43.65% (161265 votes)
General Election
Nov 8, 2022

Ranked 2nd out of 2 candidates and lost.

Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 9
2    297 views, 1 comments

January 23, 2023 To: Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection RE: Danielle Chio Subject: IN SUPPORT OF DANIELLE CHIO EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT 7 Danielle Chio made an appearance on the Veterans In Politics talk show on September 3, 2022 (see the link to the show: ), and we deemed her to have a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the legal system. Chio has a humble heart for humanity being employed with the Clark County District Attorney’s office and had the opportunity to work on the sexual assault team and currently heads the gang unit. Chio is a hardcore prosecutor and has the capability and understanding to be fair and balanced. We believe Chio would be a champion for courtroom demeanor. Chio seemed to have a gift for understanding the victim, the perpetrators, and the families on both sides of the table. Chio believes that if you are going to send people to prison or enforce the death penalty you have to visit those facilities to have a better understanding of where the convicted will end up. Chio also believes that her tough upbringing has given her a better understanding of the accused. Chio said as a legal professional you have to uphold the judicial canons and the code of ethics. Chio explained the importance of the Veterans Treatment Court. We pointed out how law enforcement officers automatically go on paid administrative leave after they fired their weapons and receive mental care. The big difference is a Combat Veteran is not afforded the same opportunity, because they are constantly in the fight with multiple deployments and zero mental care. We gave our endorsements to Danielle “Pieper” Chio when she ran for Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Department 9 and now we give our endorsement once again in this appointment process. *Footnote Veterans In Politics International is extremely critical of Judges, especially in Family Court. We have a long history in family court. We have protested the corruption that has plagued the family court system. We have put together a court observation team that observes judges on the bench. We have created Youtube channels that showcase actual court cases, endorsement interviews, and one on one interviews. We have contracted with Court Cam and Court TV to show what happens in the courtroom to a nationwide audience. We have interviewed thousands of candidates for our endorsements and in many cases, we have done a complete background check on the candidates that appear before our panel. We have done articles and interviewed candidates for the bench on our talk show program, to educate the public before they go to the voting booth. The reason I am bringing this to your attention is that we take the judiciary extremely seriously since 1998. We believe that a judge's decision impacts your life immediately and on a very personal level. Respectfully Submitted By; Steve Sanson President of Veterans In Politics International, President of Veterans In Politics Foundation, President of Nevada Veterans Association, Host and Founder of Veterans In Politics Video Internet Talk-show, US Marine Corps Disabled Gulf War Veteran US Army Logistics PO BOX 28211, Las Vegas, Nv. 89126 702 283 8088


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