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The following is a list of free resources available for the public.
  • Child Support Calculator. Click here.
  • Commission on Judicial Discipline. Click here.
  • Criminal Rules of Practice for the Second Judicial District Court (LCR). Click here.
  • Eighth Judicial District Court (Clark County). Click here.
  • Google Scholar (GS). Click here.
  • Henderson Justice Court. Click here.
  • Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure (JCRCP). Click here.
  • Justice Court Rules of Las Vegas Township (LVJCLRP). Click here.
  • Las Vegas Justice Court. Click here.
  • Local Rules of Practice for the First Judicial District Court (FJDCR). Click here.
  • Local Rules of Practice for the Justice Court of Henderson Township (JCRH). Click here.
  • Local Rules of Practice for the Justice Court of North Las Vegas Township (JCRNLV). Click here.
  • Local Rules of Practice for the Justice Court of Pahrump Township (JCRPT). Click here.
  • Local Rules of Practice for the Justice Court of Reno Township (JCRRT). Click here.
  • Local Rules of Practice for the Rural Justice Courts (RJCR). Click here.
  • Local Rules of Practice for the Second Judicial District Court (WDCR). Click here.
  • Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). Click here.
  • Nevada Alternate Trial Rules (NATR). Click here.
  • Nevada Arbitration Rules (NAR). Click here.
  • Nevada Bankrupcty Court. Click here.
  • Nevada Electronic Filing and Conversion Rules (NEFCR). Click here.
  • Nevada Federal Court. Click here.
  • Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS). Click here.
  • Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure (NRAP). Click here.
  • Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure (NRCP). Click here.
  • Nevada Rules of Criminal Practice (NRCrP). Click here.
  • Nevada Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC). Click here.
  • Nevada Rules on the Administrative Docket (ADKT). Click here.
  • Nevada Short-Trial Rules (NSTR). Click here.
  • Nevada Supreme Court. Click here.
  • Nevada Supreme Court Rules (SCR). Click here.
  • North Las Vegas Justice Court. Click here.
  • Official Nevada Unemployment Security Division Website. Click here.
  • Reno Justice Court. Click here.
  • Rules Governing Alternative Dispute Resolution (RGADR). Click here.
  • Rules of Practice for the Fourth Judicial District Court (4JDCR). Click here.
  • Rules of Practice for the Ninth Judicial District Court (NJDCR). Click here.
  • Rules of Practice for the Seventh Judicial District Court (7JDCR). Click here.
  • Rules of Practice for the Tenth Judicial District Court (10JDCR). Click here.
  • Rules of Practice for the Third Judicial District Court (TJDCR). Click here.
  • Second Judicial District Court (Washoe County). Click here.
  • Sparks Justice Court. Click here.
  • State Bar of Nevada. Click here.
  • Statewide Rules for Guardianship. Click here.
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