District Court Judge
Error Rate:
For ex parte communications and multiple uses of judicial stationary in personal matters; public censure, a $5000 fine, and to enroll in the first available general ethics course.
Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." Cherry, J., with whom, Saitta, J., agrees dissenting. EN BANC
Filed Order of Reversal and Remand. "ORDER the judgment of the district court REVERSED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." NNP14-KP/RP/NS
Filed Order of Reversal and Remand. "ORDER the judgment of the district court REVERSED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." NNP14-KP/RP/NS
Filed Order of Reversal and Remand. "ORDER the judgment of the district court REVERSED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." NNP14-KP/RP/NS
Filed Order of Reversal and Remand. "ORDER the judgment of the district court REVERSED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." NNP14-KP/RP/NS
Filed Authored Opinion. . "Affirmed." Before Gibbons, Douglas and Saitta, JJ. Author: Douglas, J. Majority: Gibbons/Douglas/Saitta. 130 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 6. SNP13
Filed Order Dismissing Appeal (60466) and Reversing and Remanding (60464). "We dismiss the appeal in Docket No. 60466, and in Docket No. 60464, we reverse and remand the district court''s judgment for proceedings consistent with this order." Nos. 60464/60466. EN BANC
Filed Order Affirming in Part, Reversing in Part and Remanding. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED IN PART AND REVERSED IN PART AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." EN BANC
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