Photo of Agosti, Deborah Ann
Agosti, Deborah Ann
Supreme Court
Seat: E


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Justice Maupin And Agosti Reject Killer's Appeal, Uphold Death PenaltyMar 14, 2002  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti One Of Commissioners To Study Jury SystemSep 20, 2001Northern Nevada Business View
Agosti Joins Dissent Holding Private Sidewalks Not Public ForumsJul 24, 2001  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Agrees With Justice Young In Banning Distribution Of Porno Handbills On Private SidewalkMay 18, 2001  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Authors Opinion Overturning Judge Marren's Denial Of Adulturous Wife's AlimonyDec 4, 2000  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Overturns 16 Years Of Legal Precedent In Parental Rights CaseSep 2, 2000  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Authors Opinion Changing Guidelines On Parental RightsAug 25, 2000  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Wipes Out Jury Award, Says Inflammatory Statements Made By Lawyer Prejudiced JuryAug 25, 2000  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti's $8 Million Award Mentioned As Probe Seeks Motivation For Troubled Drug AgentsApr 12, 2000  Las Vegas Sun
Nine Apply For Vacancy Created By Agosti's Election To Supreme CourtJan 27, 1999  Las Vegas Sun
Justice Leavitt And Agosti Sworn In To Supreme Court As Supreme Court ExpandedJan 4, 1999  Las Vegas Sun
Justice Leavitt And Agosti Sworn In To Supreme Court As Supreme Court ExpandedJan 4, 1999  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Rules Judge Lane Violated Law, No Wiretap Without ConsentDec 10, 1998  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Concurs With Justice Maupin's Opinion Ruling No Wiretap Allowed Without ConsentDec 10, 1998  Las Vegas Sun
Teacher Who Had Sex With Student Faces Up To Five Years In Prison When Agosti SentencesNov 7, 1998  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Honored With Prestigious Justinian AwardOct 30, 1998  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Presiding As Man Pleads Guilty To Killing TeacherJun 7, 1998  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Files For Supreme Court SeatMay 13, 1998  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Set Sentencing Date For Lawyer Found Guilty Of ExtortionFeb 7, 1998  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Joined By Judge Shearing In Ending The Male Monopoly On BenchNov 29, 1996  Las Vegas Sun

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