Photo of Agosti, Deborah Ann
Agosti, Deborah Ann
Supreme Court
Seat: E


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In Memory Of Justice Ginsberg, Agosti Credited For Role In Advancing WomenOct 1, 2020KOLO 8
Agosti's Election To Supreme Court Mentioned As Judge Polaha RetiresJan 27, 2020American Broadcasting Company
Agosti's Joining Of Women On Supreme Court Mentioned As Female Majority Takes BenchJan 12, 2019KNPR
Agosti's Service On Bench Mentioned As Female Majority Takes Supreme Court BenchJan 11, 2019Associated Press
Agosti Mentioned As Joining Judge Shearing On Supreme Court In 1992Jan 11, 2019Maimi Herald
Agosti Receives Outstanding Achievement Award For Completing 1K Hours Of Judicial EducationJun 11, 2018Vegas Inc
Agosti Commended For Ongoing EducationApr 30, 2018  Elko Daily Free Press
Agosti Earns Outstanding Achievement In Judicial Education AwardApr 26, 2018South Tahoe Now
Agosti Receives Outstanding Achievement AwardApr 26, 2018South Tahoe Now
Agosti Cites Health Reasons In Declining To Run As Retention Score Drops To 44 PercentJan 1, 2012  Las Vegas Review Journal
Agosti Sets Trial For Probation Officer Accused Of Molesting WomenAug 25, 2011Nevada Business
Mediation Consulting Company Gives Foreclosure Mediation Training To AgostiAug 6, 2009  Las Vegas Review Journal
Agosti's Senior Judge Commission Mentioned As Non-Elected Positions QuestionedJan 23, 2009  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Denounces Judge Saitta's Manifest Abuse of Discretion In Sealing Colleague's RecordsDec 29, 2007Los Angeles Times
Agosti Decides Not To Run For Seat As Anti-Tax Editorial Blasts Her Over Opinion On Tax CaseDec 10, 2007  Las Vegas Review Journal
Agosti Mentioned In Article On Special Treatment Keeping Judges Under The RadarJun 10, 2006Los Angeles Times
Agosti Mentioned In Times Investigation On How Some Judges Stay Under The RadarJun 10, 2006Los Angeles Times
Agosti Joins Justice Gibbons In Dissent, Says Errors In Death Sentence Case Were HarmlessDec 21, 2004  Las Vegas Sun
Agosti Authors Opinion Upholding Las Vegas Hospital's Duty To Preserve EvidenceDec 20, 2004  Las Vegas Sun
Entertainment Lawyer And A Judge File For Agosti's SeatMay 5, 2004Nevada Appeal

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