Photo of Founding Director
Alexander Falconi
Founding Director

Alex is married and a father of one son. He is a software engineer, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Alex's high conflict child custody struggle began when he was 23. While attending the University of Nevada, Reno, Alex was excluded from his son's life and had to institute child custody proceedings in the Second Judicial District Court (Washoe County). The tricky part was that Alex couldn't afford an attorney, and his ex could, but this only made for a lopsided contest in the first few years. Initially, Alex obtained joint-physical and joint-legal custody of his son. Later the situation worsened, and on December of 2014, Alex obtained primary physical and sole legal custody. Finally, in June of 2016, his ex's parental rights were terminated and the court adopted his son to his wife (a step-parent adoption). Along this wild and crazy legal journey, Alex won appeals to the Supreme Court of Nevada not once, not twice, not three times, but four times! Justice Michael Cherry of the Supreme Court of Nevada also authored an opinion on an original petition for writ of mandamus Alex filed, causing an expansion of Nevada case law regarding the Secretary of State's Confidential Address Program for victims of domestic violence. Falconi v. Secretary of State, 299 P. 3d 378 (2013). Alex volunteered for the County as a court appointed special advocate (C.A.S.A) for abused and neglected children and for the State Bar as a panelist on the Disciplinary and Fee Dispute Committees.

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