District Court Judge
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The Honorable William Maddox, Tenth Judicial District Court, presiding over a review hearing. District Attorney Lane Mills appearing for the State. Defense Attorney Richard Davies appearing for Mr. O'Connor. Case No. 19-10DC-15-83. The Court orders Defendant remain involuntarily committed to locked psychiatric facility. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
The Honorable William Maddox, Tenth Judicial District Court, presiding over a review hearing. District Attorney Lane Mills appearing for the State. Defense Attorney Richard Davies appearing for Mr. O'Connor. Case No. 19-10DC-15-83. The Court orders Defendant remain involuntarily committed to locked psychiatric facility. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
The Honorable William Maddox, Tenth Judicial District Court, presiding over a review hearing. Deputy District Attorney Chelsea Sanford appearing for the State. Defense Attorney Richard Davies appearing for Mr. O'Connor. Case No. 19-10DC-15-83. The Court orders Defendant remain involuntarily committed to locked psychiatric facility. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
The Honorable William Maddox, Tenth Judicial District Court, presiding over an evidentiary hearing. Chief Deputy District Attorney Lane Mills and Deputy District Attorney Chelsea Sanford appearing for the State. Defense Attorney Richard Davies appearing for Mr. O'Connor. Case No. 19-10DC-15-83. Defendant involuntarily committed to locked psychiatric facility. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
The Honorable William Maddox, Tenth Judicial District Court, presiding over a status check. Chief Deputy District Attorney Lane Mills and Deputy District Attorney Chelsea Sanford appearing for the State. Defense Attorney Richard Davies appearing for Mr. O'Connor. Case No. 19-10DC-15-83. Defendant found incompetent with no likelihood of ever gaining competence to stand trial. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
The Honorable William Maddox, Tenth Judicial District Court, presiding over a status check. Appearing for the State is Chief Deputy District Attorney Lane Mills and Deputy District Attorney Chelsea Sanford. Defense Attorney Richard Davies appearing for Mr. O'Connor. Case No. 19-10DC-15-83. Defendant found not competent to stand trial and committed to mental health institution for treatment. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
The Honorable William Maddox, Sixth Judicial District Court, presiding over a hearing on the validity of a recall petition. Attorney Stephen Balkenbush for Sheriff Mike Allen. District Attorney Michael MacDonald for Clerk Tami Rae Spero. Attorney Rendall Miller for the Notice of Intent committee. The Court invalidates the petition. Case No. CV0022171. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
The Honorable William Maddox, Tenth Judicial District Court, presiding over arraignment. Appearing for the State is Chief Deputy District Attorney Lane Mills and Deputy District Attorney Chelsea Sanford. Defense Attorney Richard Davies appearing for Mr. O'Connor. Case No. 19-10DC-15-83. Defendant pleads not guilty on all counts, The Court schedules a jury trial. Mr. Mills declares his intent to seek the death penalty. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
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