Photo of Adair, Valerie P
Adair, Valerie P
Eighth Judicial District Court
Dept.: 21

District Court Judge

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Adair Sends Gang Member Back To JailApr 9, 2004  Las Vegas Sun
Adair To Sentence Gazlay, Found Guilty In 311 Boyz CaseDec 16, 2003  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Rules State Law Does Not Prohibit Commission From Requiring Two-Thirds Majority VoteOct 2, 2003  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Unseals Indictment, Man Facing Felonies In Reckless Driving CaseOct 2, 2003  Las Vegas Sun
Judge Bongiovanni's Run Against Adair Mentioned Despite His Declination Made Following His Corruption AcquittalAug 29, 2003  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Presiding As Suit Against Venetian Over Drug Death SettlesFeb 13, 2003  Las Vegas Sun
Adair To Take Bench In Newly Created DepartmentNov 6, 2002  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Accused Of Working Out Plea AgreementOct 30, 2002  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Facing Personal Injury Attorney IsraelOct 17, 2002  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Facing Personal Injury Attorney Israel In ElectionOct 17, 2002  Las Vegas Sun
Adair 1 Of 5 Competing For New DepartmentAug 15, 2002  Las Vegas Sun
Adair, Deputy District Attorney, Accepts Plea Deal Of Little League President Who Stole Group's MoneyApr 18, 2002  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Says $250K Methamphetamine Bust Is Largest In Nevada HistoryAug 23, 1999  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Presents Case To Grand Jury Before Judges Gates After One Witness Killed And Others TerrifiedMar 18, 1999  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Appears As Deputy District Attorney In Case Of Diet Doctor Facing Trial On License ProblemOct 23, 1998  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Prosecutes Crack-Cocaine Sting OperationApr 23, 1998  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Prosecuting As Scam Artist Escapes Jail SentenceMar 9, 1998  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Tells Judge Bonaventure That Money In Theft Case Where Defendant Pleaded Guilty Should Have Been Returned To DonorsJan 21, 1998  Las Vegas Sun
Adair Comments On Use Of Bar Association's Credit CardMar 21, 1997  Las Vegas Sun

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