Photo of Perkins, Thomas
Perkins, Thomas
a.k.a. Perkins, Tom
East Fork Justice Court
Dept.: 1

Justice Of The Peace

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  • Appointed District Court Judge to Dept. 2 of the Ninth Judicial District Court on Mar 2, 1994.
  • Served to completion on Dec 31, 1994.
  • Appointed Justice Of The Peace to Dept. 1 of the East Fork Justice Court on Nov 15, 2010.
  • Served to completion on Jan 7, 2013.
  • Elected Justice Of The Peace to Dept. 1 of the East Fork Justice Court on Jan 7, 2013.
  • Resigned on Jan 7, 2019.
The State of Nevada vs Roger Hillygus
Hearing, May 8, 2024
66 0   974 views, 34 comments

The Honorable Tom Perkins, Dayton Justice Court, presiding over a bench trial. Appearing for the State is Deputy District Attorney Carmala Reed. Mr. Hillygus is representing himself. Case No. 21TR977. The State's witness fails to appear, motion to continue denied, the Court dismisses charges without prejudice. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: For inquiries, feel free to contact us through

1994 Election
43.07% (5430 votes)
General Election
Nov 8, 1994


Ranked 2nd out of 2 candidates and lost.

Attorney Jones Vying To Replace Perkins
Tahoe Daily Tribune 
Jan 17, 2018
Perkins Announces Candidacy
South Tahoe Now 
Dec 5, 2011

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