Photo of Bell, Stewart Lynn
Bell, Stewart Lynn
Eighth Judicial District Court
Dept.: 7

District Court Judge

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Bell Weighs In On Unusual Testimony From Robert TellesAug 21, 2024  Las Vegas Review Journal
Bell Accused Of Allowing Prosecutorial Misconduct To OccurMar 8, 2023Nevada Current
Bell's Defense Of Overturned Conviction Mentioned As Judges Announce Intent To Seek High Court SeatAug 14, 2019The Nevada Independent
Togliatti's Clerkship Under Judge Bell Mentioned As Retirement PlannedOct 27, 2018  Las Vegas Review Journal
Bell's Past Victory Over Ellsworth Mentioned As She Faces ChallengerJan 14, 2012  Las Vegas Review Journal
Bell To Serve As Special Counsel To Screening CommitteeDec 9, 2011  Las Vegas Review Journal
Stewart Bell Retirement Opens Seat For Daughter, Linda BellJan 23, 2009  Las Vegas Sun
Bell's Presence At Meeting Over Judge Halverson Complaints Mentioned As Commission Removes Her From BenchNov 17, 2008  Las Vegas Sun
Judge Halverson's False Statements That Bell Yelled Mentioned In Disciplinary ProceedingsNov 17, 2008Commission On Judicial Discipline
LInda Bell, Daughter, Holds Lead In Race To Replace BellNov 5, 2008  Las Vegas Review Journal
As Bell Retires His Daughter, Linda Bell, Runs For His SeatOct 16, 2008  Las Vegas Review Journal
Bell's Recusal Mentioned As Judge Leavitt Seals Cases Against PsychiatristJun 29, 2008  Las Vegas Review Journal
Bell Upheld On Rejection Of Lawsuit Brought By BarSep 8, 2004  Las Vegas Sun
Bell Recognized At Silver BallApr 9, 2003  Las Vegas Sun
Bell Seeks Dismissal Of Federal SuitFeb 5, 2003  Las Vegas Sun
Bell Easily Wins Seat Vacated By Judge GibbonsNov 6, 2002  Las Vegas Sun
Bell's Vacancy Mentioned As Attorney Roger Moves Into District Attorney PositionNov 6, 2002  Las Vegas Sun
Bell Hopes To Beat Attorney Pridham To Replace Judge GibbonsOct 17, 2002  Las Vegas Sun
Bell's Run For District Court Seat Leaves Vacancy For District AttorneySep 4, 2002  Las Vegas Sun
Vacancy Created By Bell's Run For District Court SeatAug 28, 2002  Las Vegas Sun

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