Photo of Dahl, Stephen J
Dahl, Stephen J
North Las Vegas Justice Court
Dept.: 1

Justice Of The Peace

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Judge Hoo's Replacement Of Dahl Mentioned As Judge Lee Rotates Into ChiefMar 5, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
Judge Hoo's Replacement Of Dahl Mentioned As Judge Lee Becomes ChiefFeb 26, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
Judge Hoo's Election To Dahl's Vacancy Mentioned As Judge Lee Becomes ChiefFeb 19, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
Judge Hoo's Election To Dahl's Vacancy Mentioned As Judge Lee Becomes ChiefFeb 12, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
Judge Hoo's Replacement Of Dahl Mentioned As Judge Lee Named ChiefFeb 5, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
Judge Hoo's Election To Dahl's Vacancy Mentioned As Judge Lee Becomes ChiefJan 29, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
Judge Hoo's Replacement Of Dahl Mentioned As Judge Lee Becomes ChiefJan 22, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
Dahl Set To Retire, Take On New CareerSep 6, 2012  Las Vegas Review Journal
Dahl Resigning After 18 Years In PostAug 31, 2012  Las Vegas Sun
Four Attorneys Vying For Dahl's SeatJun 13, 2012  Las Vegas Review Journal
Judging The Judges: Retiring Dahl Set High Standard For North Las Vegas CourtJan 1, 2012  Las Vegas Review Journal
Dahl To RetireSep 22, 2011  Las Vegas Sun
Supreme Court Rejects Claims By 3 Convicted Murders That Dahl Was Ineffective In Their DefenseFeb 11, 2002  Las Vegas Sun

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