Photo of Loehrer, Sally L
Loehrer, Sally L
Eighth Judicial District Court
Dept.: 15

District Court Judge

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Loehrer's Order For New Trial For Margaret Rudin Mentioned As Parole Is GrantedOct 14, 2019  Las Vegas Review Journal
Loehrer's Overturned Finding That Convicted Killer Lacked Effective Counsel Mentioned As Convict Awaits Word On Parole Sep 18, 2019  Las Vegas Review Journal
Loehrer's Rejection Of Motion Opposed To Condemnation of Property Mentioned As Owners Given Short ShriftMar 4, 2013  Las Vegas Sun
Loehrer Commissioned Senior Judge For One-Year TermJan 23, 2009  Las Vegas Sun
Loehrer Refuses To Throw Out ChargesDec 24, 20088 News Now
Judge Halverson's False Statements That Loehrer Screamed At Her Mentioned In Disciplinary ProceedingsNov 17, 2008Commission On Judicial Discipline
Judge Bell's' Clerkship For Loehrer MentionedOct 16, 2008  Las Vegas Review Journal
Loehrer Rated "Less Than Adequate" In Curteousness In Lawyer SurveyMay 21, 2008  Las Vegas Review Journal
Loehrer Recalls Leniency Of Plea Offered By Prosecutor KephartMar 30, 2008  Las Vegas Review Journal
Loehrer Recuses Herself After Realizing Appearance Of BiasAug 3, 2007  Las Vegas Sun
Loehrer Donated $3,300 Of Her Campaign Contributions To Political CandidatesJun 17, 2006  Las Vegas Sun
Loehrer Mentioned In Juice Versus Justice InvestigationJun 8, 2006Los Angeles Times
Loehrer's Campaign Fundraising Mentioned In Las Vegas Criticism Of "Stacked Judicial Deck"Jun 8, 2006Los Angeles Times
Loehrer Denies Keeping Track Of Campaign ContributorsJun 8, 2006Los Angeles Times
Loehrer's Affirmance Of Strip Club Ordinance Ruling Taken Up By Supreme CourtFeb 23, 2006  Las Vegas Sun
Mea Culpa: Loehrer Admits Mistake, Orders New TrialDec 5, 20058 News Now
Loehrer Tosses Stripper Fondling Ordinances As UnconstitionalJan 23, 2005Democratic Underground
Loehrer Corners Union Lawyers, Restricts TacticsJan 5, 2005Nevada Policy Research Institute
Loehrer Malpractice Judgment Against Las Vegas Hospital Upheld Even After Judge Cherry Tries Case AgainDec 20, 2004  Las Vegas Sun
Lawyer Accused Of Forging Loehrer's Signature IndicatedNov 11, 2004  Las Vegas Sun

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