Photo of Pickering, Mary Kristina
Pickering, Kristina
legal  Pickering, Mary Kristina
Supreme Court
Seat: B


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Pickering Mentioned As Judge Stiglich Joins Her As Second Woman On BenchMar 9, 2017  Las Vegas Review Journal
Pickering Authors Unanimous Decision Rejecting Attempt At Blocking Death PenaltyFeb 16, 2017  Las Vegas Sun
Pickering Joins Judge Hardesty In Striking Down School Choice FundingSep 29, 2016  Las Vegas Review Journal
Pickering Joins Entire Bench In Recusing From Case Involving Trust That's Building Supreme Court BuildingJul 30, 2016  Las Vegas Review Journal
Pickering Sits Out On Sands Appeal Citing Husband's Involvement With CaseMar 14, 2016  Las Vegas Review Journal
Pickering Mentioned As Having Run UnopposedJan 15, 2016  Las Vegas Review Journal
Pickering's Electoral Victory Over Judge Schumacher Mentioned As Incumbents FileJan 4, 2016  Las Vegas Review Journal
Pickering's Comment On Ordinance Constitutionality Mentioned As Gibbons Authors Majority Opinion Holding Says Ordinance On Interfering With Police Is Too BroadDec 31, 2015  Las Vegas Sun
Pickering Authors Opinion Ruling $125,000 Wrongfully Taken From Convicted BurglarDec 19, 2015  Las Vegas Sun
Pickering Dissents, Says High Court Has Jurisdiction To Consider Judge Estes' Ruling In Water CaseFeb 10, 2015  Las Vegas Sun
Pickering Authors Unanimous Opinion Ruling Strippers "Club Employees", Could Be Owed MillionsOct 30, 2014  Las Vegas Sun
Pickering Does Not Participate In Sands Discovery DecisionAug 7, 2014  Las Vegas Sun
Pickering Overturns Murder Conviction, Citing Police Minimization Of Miranda RightsJul 17, 2014  Las Vegas Sun
Pickering Receives Score Of 86% In Judge SurveyJun 27, 2014  Reno Gazette Journal
Pickering Wastes No Time In Filing For Re-ElectionJan 7, 2014  Las Vegas Review Journal
Pickering Discusses Custom Of No-Challenge Of Supreme Court RacesDec 27, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
Pickering Stresses Highest Caseload Of Mandatory-ReviewDec 17, 2013  Las Vegas Sun
Pickering Mentions Appellant Relationship In Ethics CaseNov 28, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
Pickering Authors Unanimous Ruling Putting Limit On Investigation After Traffic StopsJul 12, 2013  Las Vegas Sun
Pickering Notes Lack Of Definition For Word "Nominal" At Crux Of Tax Valuation CaseJul 2, 2013  Las Vegas Sun

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