Photo of Gibbons, Mark W
Gibbons, Mark W
Supreme Court
Seat: D


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Gibbons Remembers Judge Rose's ProfessionalismFeb 15, 2022  Las Vegas Review Journal
Gibbons Remembers Judge Rose's Pride In Controversial VoteFeb 15, 2022Nevada Appeal
Gibbons Remembers Judge Rose's Pride In Controversial VoteFeb 15, 2022Associated Press
Gibbons Joins Majority In Ordering Autopsies To Be ReleasedDec 29, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
Gibbons Joins Majority In Refusing To Stay Ruling Requiring Coroner To Turnover Autopsy ReportsDec 29, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
People: Gibbons Honored With Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award Of Judicial ExcellenceDec 24, 2020Northern Nevada Business View
People: Gibbons Honored With Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award Of Judicial ExcellenceDec 24, 2020Northern Nevada Business View
Gibbons To Retire From Supreme CourtDec 22, 2020Nevada Business
Gibbons To Retire From Supreme CourtDec 21, 2020Carson Now
Gibbons Honored at Virtual Pro Bono Awards LuncheonDec 15, 2020Nevada Business
Gibbons' Appointment Of Judge Bulla To Rules Committee Mentioned Prior To Her Speaking At LuncheonOct 23, 2020Carson Now
Gibbons' Republican Lean Mentioned As Adelsons Pour $500K Into Group Backing Judge Herndon's CandidacyOct 21, 2020The Nevada Independent
Gibbons' Retirement Results In Hostile Race By Candidates Seeking His SeatOct 8, 2020  Reno Gazette Journal
Candidates For Gibbon's Seat Trade Jabs In Race For Supreme CourtSep 30, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
Gibbon's Retirement Mentioned As Washoe County Lawyers Survey PublishedSep 25, 2020  Reno Gazette Journal
Review Journal Endorses Judge Herndon To Replace Retiring GibbonsSep 19, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
Gibbons Joins Majority Sep 18, 2020The Nevada Independent
Gibbons' Appointment Of Judge Bulla To NRCP Committee Mentioned As She Is Slated To Speak At Tele-LuncheonJul 30, 2020Carson Now
Gibbons Joins Stiglich In Ruling Overturning Judge Hughes' Public ReprimandJul 20, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
Gibbons Joins Judge Cadish In Opinion Allowing Legislative Lawyers To Represent Democrats In Payroll Tax Case Overturned On AppealJun 26, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal

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