Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." DH/LB/LS. (SC)
Filed Authored Opinion. "Petition granted." Before: Stiglich/Pickering/Parraguirre. Author: Stiglich, J. Majority: Stiglich/Pickering/Parraguirre. 140 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 77. B24-LS/KP/RP. (SC).
Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." B24-LS/KP/RP (SC)
Filed Order of Reversal and Remand. "ORDER the judgment of the district court REVERSED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." Cadish, C.J., dissenting. En Banc (SC)
Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." LS/PL/LB (SC)
Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." fn8 [The Honorable Mark Gibbons, Senior Justice, participated in the decision of this matter under a general order of assignment.] RP/LS/MG. (SC)
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Donna Wilburn and Hearing Master Margaret Pickard discuss Ms. Pickard's run for Department V of the Family Division of the Eighth Judicial District Court; and, high conflict child custody. The views and opinions of any individuals interviewed and providing comments are their own, and not necessarily consistent with the views or opinions of Our Nevada Judges. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: For inquiries, feel free to contact us through
Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." fn1 [The Honorable Mark Gibbons, Senior Justice, participated in the decision of this matter under a general order of assignment.] RP/EC/MG. (SC)
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