Photo of Gardner, Linda M
Gardner, Linda M
Second Judicial District Court
Dept.: 14 (Family Division)

District Court Judge

Error Rate: 33.33%6  / 3   

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  • Elected District Court Judge to Dept. 14 (Family Division) of the Second Judicial District Court on Jan 5, 2009.
  • Served to completion on Jan 5, 2015.
Supreme Court logo
Case No: 78217
Supreme Court
Sep 30, 2020
580 days since filing.

Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." NNP20- RP/JH/EC. (SC)

2008 Election
75.47% (105904 votes)
General Election
Nov 4, 2008

Ranked 1st out of 2 candidates and won.

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 75592
Court Of Appeals
Jan 25, 2019
71 days since filing.

Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." Court of Appeals-MD/JT/MG (SC)

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 64237
Supreme Court
Nov 17, 2015
761 days since filing.

Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." NNP15-NS/MG/KP.

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 63419
Supreme Court
Sep 28, 2015
830 days since filing.

Filed Order of Reversal and Remand. "We reverse the May 9, 2013, order and remand for the district court to hold the review hearing contemplated by the January 2010 order and determine what custodial arrangement is in the children''s best interest." SNP15-RP/MD/MC

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 61956
Supreme Court
Affirmed In Part and Reversed In Part
Nov 13, 2014
709 days since filing.

Filed Order Affirming in Part and Remanding in Part. "We remand this matter to the district court so that the court can make specific findings in regard to appellant''s request that respondent be responsible for the child''s out-of-pocket healthcare expenses up to $18,000. We affirm the district court''s order as to the other claims raised in this appeal." SNP14-JH/MD/MC.

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 63868
Supreme Court
May 14, 2014
264 days since filing.

Filed Order of Reversal and Remand. "ORDER the judgment of the district court REVERSED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." SNP14-JH/MD/MC.

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 58087
Supreme Court
Dec 9, 2011
248 days since filing.

Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." Fn1[The Honorable Robert E. Rose and the Honorable Miriam Shearing, Senior Justices, participated in the decision of this matter under general order of assignment.]

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 56084
Supreme Court
Jan 18, 2011
239 days since filing.

Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." fn1[We deny the motions for stay as moot.]


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