Photo of Russell, James Todd
Russell, James Todd
First Judicial District Court
Dept.: 1
District Court Judge
Error Rate: 18.13%393  / 87   
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A Win for Taxpayers: Russell Upholds ConstitutionNov 1, 2020Nevada Business
State, Legislature Appeal Russell's Tax Ruling To Supreme CourtOct 13, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
Russell's Denial Of Challenge To Red Flag Gun Laws Mentioned On Oct 1 Anniversary Of Mass ShootingOct 1, 2020  Elko Daily Free Press
Business Groups Laud Russell's Ruling On TaxesSep 24, 2020Pahrump Valley Times
Russell Sides With Nevada Senate Republicans In Business Tax LawsuitSep 23, 2020Northern Nevada Business View
Editorial: Russell Slaps Down State Democrats Over Tax SchemeSep 23, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
Democrats To Appeal Russell's Ruling In $100M Taxation CaseSep 23, 2020KXNT
Russel Sides With State Senate GOP In Lawsuit Challenging Extended Payroll, DMV TaxesSep 22, 2020The Nevada Independent
Russell Sides With GOP In Tax Fight; Dems Say They’ll AppealSep 22, 2020Nevada Appeal
Democrats To Appeal Russell's Ruling In $100M Taxation CaseSep 22, 2020News 4
Russell Sides With State Senate GOP In Lawsuit Challenging Extended Payroll, DMV TaxesSep 22, 2020Patch
Russell Sides With Republicans In Two-thirds Tax LawsuitSep 21, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
Russell Rules Against State On Tax Approvals Without Two-thirds MajoritySep 20, 2020Record Courier
Russell Sets Briefing Schedule As Hearings Set In Republican Suit Against Nevada Tax BillsAug 26, 2020Nevada Appeal
ACLU Letter To Russell And Governor On COVID And Criminal JusticeJul 27, 20208 News Now
Russell's Gerrymandering Ruling In Favor Of Fair Maps Circulating Petition Upheld On AppealJul 26, 2020Nevada Current
Russell's Ruling Barring Legislative Lawyers From Representing Democrats In Payroll Tax Case Overturned On AppealJun 26, 2020The Nevada Independent
Russell's Ruling Barring Legislative Lawyers From Representing Democrats In Payroll Tax Case Overturned On AppealJun 26, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
Russell Presiding As Water District Signs Agreement To Settle Eminent Domain Case For Industrial Center PipelineMay 31, 2020The Nevada Independent
Russell Presiding As Redistricting Group Files Amended PetitionMay 10, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal

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