Photo of Moss, Cheryl B
Moss, Cheryl B
Eighth Judicial District Court
Dept.: I (Family Division)

District Court Judge

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Family Law Appeals, Part 1
Oct 3, 2021, 57 minutes, 15 seconds

11 1   484 views, 5 comments

District Court Judge Cheryl Moss; and, Certified Family Law Specialists Emily McFarling and Marshal Willick; join Media Director Alexis Brown for a Perspectives Panel on family law appeals. The views and opinions of any individuals interviewed and providing comments are their own, and not necessarily consistent with the views or opinions of Our Nevada Judges. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: For inquiries, feel free to contact us through

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The Huddle: Gambler's Treatment Diversion Court
40 minutes, 12 seconds

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Gaming America sat down with Cheryl Moss, a former judge from Nevada. After two decades spent in the Family Division of the Clark County District Court, she helped introduce Gambling Treatment Diversion Court in the state. This novel approach to treating offenders who are struggling with problem gambling has the potential to relieve untold stress on criminal justice departments across the nation. Cheryl Moss is now advocating for such gambling treatment courts, something which makes increasing sense as gambling becomes more legal and more regulated with every passing month.

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Gambling Treatment Diversion Court
Jul 24, 2021, 1 hour, 7 minutes, 48 seconds

5 0   223 views, 0 comments

Retired District Court Judge Cheryl Moss, of the Eighth Judicial District Court, discusses the Gambling Treatment Diversion Court. The views and opinions of any individuals interviewed and providing comments are their own, and not necessarily consistent with the views or opinions of Our Nevada Judges. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: For inquiries, feel free to contact us through

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The Intricacies Of The Gambling Treatment Diversion Court
37 minutes, 54 seconds

1    183 views, 1 comments

Episode 3 of Martin Lyckas Safebet Show, the most star-studded podcast in the responsible gaming world, just dropped! Martins guest is Judge Cheryl Moss of the State of Nevada District Court and the Gambling Treatment Diversion Court. Judge Moss gives an absolutely fascinating interview with Martin about her career, how she got into law, the accelerated path she took to becoming a judge and how she ended up in Las Vegas. Judge Moss also gives an impassioned introduction to the Gambling Treatment Diversion Court, of which Judge Moss was the first Judge to preside over, explains to Martin the impact it could have and where it could go in the future (hint - not stopping with New Jersey!). Martin also gets into Judge Mosss sporting preferences, including a love of the New York Yankees, marrying into Pittsburgh fandom, and her feelings toward the referee while watching the game! 00:20 - Intro 02:15 - Judge Moss as a sports fan, being a soccer fan, fan of the yankees, marrying into Pittsburgh sports fandom, and a Judges feelings toward the referee in sports (Does Judge Moss root for the Zebra?!) 05:00 - Judge Mosss experience as a judge, what its like becoming and serving as a judge, leaving Washington DC behind to move to Las Vegas 09:00 - Being in court, the feelings of the defendants and plaintiffs in court, what Judge Moss has learned from her 20 years as a judge 11:45 - What is the Gambling Treatment Diversion Court? Judge Mosss involvement in it, how gambling addiction has historically been treated in court, some of Judge Mosss history in problem gambling cases 19:10 - expanding the GDTC from Nevada to New Jersey, hopes for the future of the GDTC, gambling addiction in the US 26:48 - What is responsible gambling, what is the end-game in Judge Mosss opinion? Thoughts on advertising and responsibilities as a gaming company 35:30 - Judge Mosss key messages from the podcast and final thoughts 32:25 - Outro


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