Photo of Kurtz, Thomas Gilbert
Kurtz, Thomas Gilbert
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Personal Website candidate has not submitted a personal website.
Protecting seniors, parents, and children.This candidate has not submitted a statement.
Tom Kurtz worked as a full-time Family Court Hearing Master from January 2009 to January 2016, and has 9 years prior as an alternate judical officer. He has been a Las Vegas attorney since 1983, and more than 16 years of experience as a judicial officer hearing a broad range of family court cases.  ...This candidate has not submitted a description.
Kurtz 1 Of 8 Candidates To Seek Open Family Court Judicial Post
Las Vegas Review Journal   
Jul 31, 2021
Kurtz Trailing Judge Hoskins With Only 37 Percent Of Vote
Las Vegas Review Journal   
Nov 3, 2020
Judge Hoskin Holds Lead Over Kurtz At 63 Percent
Las Vegas Review Journal   
Nov 3, 2020
Legal Panel Supports Judge Hoskin Over Kurtz
The Nevada Independent 
Nov 1, 2020
Weekly Endorses Judge Hoskin Over Kurtz
Las Vegas Weekly 
Oct 15, 2020
Sun Endorses Judge Hoskin Over Kurtz
Las Vegas Sun   
Oct 7, 2020

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