Photo of Allred-DiGiacomo, Sandra K
Allred-DiGiacomo, Sandra K
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DiGiacomo 1 Of 6 To Face Off In Race For Seat In Henderson Justice CourtMay 21, 2024  Las Vegas Review Journal
DiGiacomo 1 Of 6 Vying For Henderson Justice Court SeatApr 18, 2024Nevada Current
Wife Indicted As Charges Build Against Pastor In Sexual Abuse CaseFeb 27, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
DiGiacomo's Argument Rejected, Judge Gonzalez Tosses Case Against Kirstin LobatoDec 29, 2017  Las Vegas Review Journal
DiGiacomo Argues Before Judge Herndon On Downtown Hit And RunSep 25, 2017  Las Vegas Review Journal
Allred-DiGiacomo: Department 1 Election Set For June 4May 20, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
Allred-DiGiacomo Faces Off; Early Voting Starts MondayMay 18, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
DiGiacomo 1 Of 3 Attorneys Challenging Henderson Municipal JudgeMar 9, 2013  Las Vegas Review Journal
Opponent Gibson Sworn In As Justice Of The Peace After Defeating Allred-DiGiacomoFeb 12, 2009  Las Vegas Sun
Judge Gibson Wins With Comfortable 10 Point Lead Over DiGiacomoNov 5, 2008  Las Vegas Review Journal
DiGiacomo Running Against Attorney Gibson For New Justice Court SeatOct 15, 2008  Las Vegas Review Journal
Sun Endorses Opponent Gibson Over Allred-DiGiacomoOct 13, 2008  Las Vegas Sun
Allred 1 Of 4 To Run For Justice Of The PeaceJul 27, 2008  Las Vegas Review Journal
Columnist Elizabeth Foyt: Allred-DiGiacomo HonoredJul 30, 2003  Las Vegas Sun

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