Photo of Aurbach, Phillip Sandford
Aurbach, Phillip Sandford
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Smart. Experienced. Decisive.This candidate has not submitted a statement.
Phil Aurbach has lived in Vegas most of his life. His dad was a pit boss at the Desert Inn when it opened in the 1950’s. Except for college, he's been in Vegas ever since. He was a paper boy at age 14 delivering newspapers at 3:30 am every morning on his bicycle. In high school, he wasn’t a gifted athlete, so he worked after school and on weekends practiced tennis. In his senior year at Clark High School he worked at Shakeys’s Pizza Restaurant. In 1973, he worked for a year at a bank and wante ...This candidate has not submitted a description.
Candidate Forum 1
Perspectives, Oct 1, 2020
13 1   552 views, 10 comments

Judge Bonnie Bulla, District Judges Richard Scotti and Doug Herndon, and Ozzie Fumo, Adam Ganz, Bita Yeager, Carli Kierny, Jacob Villani, Monica Trujillo, Nadia Krall, Phil Aurbach, join President Jori Spangler and Co-Vice President Alexis Brown for the first of a series of candidate forums before the Southern Nevada Association of Women Attorneys. The views and opinions of any individuals interviewed and providing comments are their own, and not necessarily consistent with the views or opinions of Our Nevada Judges. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: For inquiries, feel free to contact us through

Attorney Krall Leads Aurbach With 59 Percent
Las Vegas Review Journal   
Nov 3, 2020
Candidate Profile: Phil Aurbach
The Nevada Independent 
Nov 1, 2020
Weekly Endorses Aurbach Over Opponent Krall
Las Vegas Weekly 
Oct 15, 2020
Attorney Krall, Aurbach Facing Off For District Court Dept. 4
Las Vegas Review Journal   
Sep 24, 2020

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