Photo of Fumo, Osvaldo
Fumo, Ozzie
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Fumo Details Tense Moments Before Arrest In Reporter’s KillingSep 8, 2022  Las Vegas Review Journal
Fumo Faces Bar Complaint Over ‘White Supremacist’ CommentJul 22, 2022  Las Vegas Review Journal
Fumo Defeated In Primary By District Attorney WolfsonJul 17, 2022Nevada Current
Incumbent District Attorney, Sheriff’s Chosen Successor Defeat FumoJun 16, 2022The Nevada Independent
Fumo Confronts Clark County DA's Failure To Perpetuate Blind JusticeMay 25, 2022Nevada Current
Fumo, District Attorney Candidates, Clash On Death Penalty, DecriminalizationApr 23, 2022The Nevada Independent
Fumo Confronts DA Opponent's Dropping Out Of Candidate ForumApr 1, 2022Nevada Current
Fumo Calls Out District Attorney's Fear Of Voters In Backing Out Of ForumApr 1, 2022Nevada Current
Candidate Filing Roundup: Fumo 1 Of Dozens File To Run For Local Clark, Washoe OfficesMar 31, 2022The Nevada Independent
Fumo's Opponent Drops Out Of Candidate ForumMar 30, 2022  Las Vegas Review Journal
Race Between Fumo And Clark County District Attorney Is Getting Testy Despite Lopsided FundraisingMar 23, 2022The Nevada Independent
Clark County DA Steve Wolfson Takes Big Campaign Finance Lead Over FumoJan 21, 2022  Las Vegas Review Journal
Fumo Speaks On Bringing Change To DA's OfficeDec 8, 2021Nevada Current
Fumo’s Unfounded Attacks Reflect Poorly On HimNov 28, 2021  Las Vegas Review Journal
Fumo Calls Judge Herndon ‘White Supremacist’Nov 21, 2021  Las Vegas Review Journal
Veteran Trial Attorney Seeks To Unseat Clark County DaOct 14, 2021  Las Vegas Review Journal
Fumo Bail Reform Bill Faced Stringent Opposition Before FailingAug 22, 2021The Nevada Independent
Fumo To Deliver Eulogy For Legendary Bill TerryJan 22, 2021  Las Vegas Review Journal
Fumo Mentions Bill Terry's Honor, Intellection Powers, After His PassingJan 15, 20218 News Now
Fumo's Lunches With Bill Terry Mentioned In Memory Of His PassingJan 15, 2021  Las Vegas Review Journal

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