Photo of Bernstein, Nancy
Bernstein, Nancy
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Nancy Bernstein earned both her undergraduate and law degrees from UNLV She graduated with honors from Western High School where she was not only a cheerleader but also a distinguished member of the National Honor Society During her undergraduate studies at UNLV she graduated with a GPA of 38 and earned a place on the Deans List Her journey in the legal profession commenced with a clerkship under District Court Judge Lee A Gates She has been honored with prestigious accolades such as the Pillar  ...This candidate has not submitted a description.
Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 8
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Veterans In Politics International (VIPI), Nevada Democratic Veterans and Military Families Caucus, Nevada Veterans Association, and Armed Forces Chamber PAC Collaborate for Joint Endorsement Interviews. Justice of the Peace Las Vegas Township Department 8: 1. Nancy Bernstein 2. Amy Ferreira -ENDORSED Our Sponsors: 1. Monzu Italian Oven + Bar 2. Stephanie Phillips, US Senate Candidate 3. Anonymous Donation on behalf of Jerry Willick The following members will participate in the interview panel: PANEL MEMBERS: 1. Frank Friends VIPI Member 2. James Jonas, VIPI Director 3. Andre Haynes, Founder of Arm Forces Chamber 4. Patsy Brown Member of Arm Forces Chamber 5. Kelly Lynn Charles, Member of Nevada Democratic Veterans 6. Donna Darden, Member of Nevada Democratic Veterans 7. Tara Kellogg, Member of Nevada Democratic Veterans 8. Barbara Leuschen VIPI Member 9. Rob Lauer VIPI Member MODERATOR Suzan Baucum, former Judge Invocation: George Chehade Audio and Video Engineer: Marcus Jonas Door Host: Deanna Rybak Pledge: Stephanie Phillips, US Senate Candidate Located: Monzu Italian Oven + Bar 6020 West Flamingo Road #10 Las Vegas, NV 89103 702 749 5959

Bernstein: Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 8
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Nancy Bernstein for Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Department 8 on the Veterans In Politics Talkshow

Candidate Profile: Nancy Bernstein
The Nevada Independent 
Nov 2, 2024

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