Justices Lidia Stiglich, Kristina Pickering, Douglas Herndon, Elissa Cadish, Ronald Parraguirre, and Linda Bell, Supreme Court of Nevada, presiding over a writ petition on physical and camera access to domestic relations matters. Appearing for Our Nevada Judges is Sophia Romero, Chris Peterson, and Luke Busby. Appearing for the Las Vegas Review Journal is Maggie McLetchie. Appearing for the Eighth Judicial District Court is Jeffrey Conner. Appearing for the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers is Marshal Willick. Case Nos. 84947, 85195, 85229. Submitted for decision. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
District Court Judge Cheryl Moss; and, Certified Family Law Specialists Emily McFarling and Marshal Willick; join Media Director Alexis Brown for a Perspectives Panel on family law appeals. The views and opinions of any individuals interviewed and providing comments are their own, and not necessarily consistent with the views or opinions of Our Nevada Judges. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
District Court Judge Gayle Nathan; and, Certified Family Law Specialist Andriea Aden; and, Family Law Attorney Carlia Waite; join Certified Family Law Specialist and Special Host Marshal Willick for a Perspectives Panel on relocation in child custody matters. The views and opinions of any individuals interviewed and providing comments are their own, and not necessarily consistent with the views or opinions of Our Nevada Judges. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
Certified Family Law Specialists Marshal Willick, Emily McFarling, and Andriea Aden, join us for a Perspectives Panel on survivorship benefits. This issue stems from the court's role in distributing community property and how pensions and other retirement plans are handled. The views and opinions of any individuals interviewed and providing comments are their own, and not necessarily consistent with the views or opinions of Our Nevada Judges. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
The Honorable Linda Marquis, Eighth Judicial District Court, Department B, Family Division, presiding over an evidentiary hearing. Appearing for the protected person is James Berchtold. Appearing for the guardian is Lorien Cole. Appearing for petitioners Melodie and Travis Dosch is Dara Goldsmith. Elizabeth Brickfield appears as guardian ad litem. The Court approves all pending accountings. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPb0hCUcufpuk7QhxVxwKA/join For inquiries, feel free to contact us through www.ournevadajudges.com
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