EXPLOSIVE Video between candidates running for Clark County District Court 9! https://veteransinpolitics.org/2022/08/explosive-video-between-candidates-running-for-clark-county-district-court-9/ Clark County Nevada August 6, 2022 Veterans in Politics International held a judicial endorsement interview for Clark County District Court Judge Department 9. The candidates who participated were Judge Maria Gall and James Dean Leavitt. The panel members were James Jonas, Stephanie L. Phillips, and Vem Miller. Both candidates introduced themselves. Judge Gall is the daughter of a Korean immigrant and a US Army Veteran. Judge Gall was appointed by Governor Sisolak to this seat and is running to retain the position. Mr. Leavitt began his introduction with an announcement he has filed with the Nevada Judicial Discipline Commission (which was to be made public Thursday, August 4, 2022), where he outlines that a well-known consultant contacted Mr. Leavitt and told him if he didnt withdraw from this race a negative campaign ad, which Mr. Leavitt claims is defamatory and was used against him four years ago then history would repeat itself. When asked by panel member, Stephanie L. Phillips, what was in the commercial Mr. Leavitt answered by saying if you want to get a copy of the complaint it would contain the information about this commercial. Moving on, panel member James Jonas asked if Nevada voters can properly vet judicial candidates and how the voters can get more information on judicial candidates. Judge Gall believes that judicial candidates should be out in the public educating the electorate on their qualifications and different court systems. Panel member Vem Miller asks both candidates why they want to be a Judge. Leavitt says he just turned 60 and he has 30 years of experience as an attorney. He believes experience is very important which qualifies him to be a Judge. Judge Gall seeks the seat because she loves the State of Nevada and this community. James Jonas asks the candidates about judicial temperament in the courtroom. Both candidates state it is important for judges to act kindly to litigants in the courtroom. Mr. Leavitt explained how he changed his party affiliation and is now registered as a non-partisan. Leavitt says Judges should be non-partisan and be balanced as to their views while in the courtroom. He asks how can you have equal justice if youre affiliated with a certain Party. Some would say Mr. Leavitt violated the rules when campaigning for a judicial seat as judicial candidates are NOT allowed to state their party affiliation unless specifically asked and Mr. Leavitt was not asked which party he was registered with. Panel member Stephanie L. Phillips explains to the candidates how they research the candidates before interviews and find information sometimes worthy of questioning. Phillips asks Mr. Leavitt about a report she saw online regarding an alleged attempted suicide back in 2018 and whether or not it was true. Mr. Leavitt responded it was shocking that someone would even ask him about a personal matter of mental health. Leavitt says he was not under the influence of alcohol or drugs when the gun accidentally was discharged. Mr. Leavitt went on to say he was very depressed and in a state of despair at the time after having lost four family members to suicide. Leavitt explained how he caused a lot of pain to a lot of people during that time in his life, but hes back now and hes better. Leavitt seemed extremely agitated with the question and claims somehow this personal medical information of mental health falls under the Health Insurance Probability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); however, HIPAA applies to Doctors not revealing medical information about their patients. Leavitt says just because something is reported on the internet does not give one the right to ask about it; however, when running for public office your whole life is public and nothing is off the table. Voters need to know their candidates and need to properly vet candidates. The questions asked of the candidates are to give them a voice to answer and tell their side of the story. It appeared Mr. Leavitt did not appreciate this opportunity to answer such a question and hopes it is never brought up again during his campaign. It gives us great honor that Veterans In Politics International voted to ENDORSE JUDGE MARIA GALL.
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