Photo of Nelson, Ervan T
Nelson, Ervan T
a.k.a. Nelson, Erv
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Assemblyman Fumo's Primary Victory Over Nelson Mentioned As Adelsons Fund PAC Supporting Opponent Oct 21, 2020The Nevada Independent
RGJ Voter Guide: Nelson Seeking Spot On The Supreme CourtJun 1, 2020  Reno Gazette Journal
Nelson's Campaign Funding Contrasted With That Of Opponent Fumo Who Raised A Whopping $152,191Jun 1, 2020Nevada Current
Review Journal Endorses Judge Herndon Over NelsonMay 28, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
2020 Primary Election Voting Guide: Ervan NelsonMay 12, 2020Carson Now
Nelson Does Not Participate In Judicial Debate For Supreme Court Seat DMay 12, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
Review Journal Endorses Judge Herndon Over NelsonMay 9, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
Review Journal Endorses Judge Herndon Over NelsonMay 9, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
2020 Primary Election: Nelson Emphasizes ExperienceMay 6, 2020Nevada Appeal
Nelson's Candidacy For Supreme Court Mentioned As Elko County Begins Early VotingMay 6, 2020  Elko Daily Free Press
Nelson Vying For Supreme Court Seat To Be Vacated By Judge Gibbons RetirementJan 25, 2020Ely News
Nelson Files For Judge Gibbons' Seat Following Retirement AnnouncementJan 19, 2020  Elko Daily Free Press
Nelson Files For Judge Gibbons' SeatJan 18, 2020San Francisco Chronicle
Nelson Files For Election To Retiring Judge GIbbons' SeatJan 18, 2020Associated Press
Nelson Files For Judge Gibbons' Seat Following Announcement To RetireJan 18, 2020Nevada Appeal
Nelson Files For Judge Gibbons' Seat Following His Retirement AnnouncementJan 17, 2020  Las Vegas Review Journal
Profile: Ervan NelsonJan 1, 2020The Nevada Independent
Nelson 1 Of Several High-Profile Victims Claimed By GOP Tax RevoleJun 15, 2016  Las Vegas Review Journal
Nelson's Assembly Floor Speech Lauded As One Of The Best In HistoryMay 29, 2015  Las Vegas Review Journal

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