Photo of Bravo, Ava Natalia
Bravo, Ava Natalia
f.k.a. Schatzle, Karen
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Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 2
31 minutes, 35 seconds

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Veterans In Politics International (VIPI), Nevada Democratic Veterans and Military Families Caucus, Nevada Veterans Association, and Armed Forces Chamber PAC Collaborate for Joint Endorsement Interviews. Our Sponsors: 1. Monzu Italian Oven + Bar 2. Stephanie Phillips, US Senate Candidate 3. Anonymous Donation on behalf of Jerry Willick Justice of the Peace Las Vegas Township Department 2: 1. Ava Bravo - ENDORSED 2. Judge Joseph Sciscento The following members will participate in the interview panel: PANEL MEMBERS: 1. Frank Friends VIPI Member 2. James Jonas, VIPI Director 3. Andre Haynes, Founder of Arm Forces Chamber 4. Patsy Brown Member of Arm Forces Chamber 5. Kelly Lynn Charles, Member of Nevada Democratic Veterans 6. Donna Darden, Member of Nevada Democratic Veterans 7. Tara Kellogg, Member of Nevada Democratic Veterans 8. Barbara Leuschen VIPI Member 9. Rob Lauer VIPI Member MODERATOR Suzan Baucum, former Judge Ethics Complaint filed: Judge Participates in Election Interference! Las Vegas, Nevada March 15, 2024 On the last day of filing for elected office, Veterans In Politics International discovered that Joseph S. Sciscento, Las Vegas Justice of the Peace in Department 2, has a Nevada Judicial Complaint against him for participating in Election Interference. Sciscento was appointed to the bench in 2009 by the Clark County Board of County Commissioners. He ran UNoppossed in 2010, 2012, and 2018 and never had an opponent. Sciscento now has an extraordinary opponent and has to convince the voters that he should maintain the people's seat by being the custodian for Department 2, a seat he has never had any opposition for the past 14 years. Ava Natalia Bravo, a legitimate candidate, filed against Sciscento on January 11, 2024; the following day, Kristal Bradford also filed against Sciscento. The Complaint to the State of Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline case# 2024-033 reads the following: Judge Joseph Sciscento actively encouraged Kristal Bradford to run for office in his political campaign, aiming to orchestrate a contest where two women compete in a gender-focused battle for the female electorate. This strategy is to secure Judge Sciscento's victory outright in the primary. As the plaintiff, I find this behavior unbecoming of a sitting judge and perceive his deliberate involvement in manipulating the election process as tantamount to election interference. According to the Complaint, Sciscento wants to water down the women's vote by splitting it among his two female challengers so he can be victorious in a primary election; this is election interference and is against Nevada Judicial Cannons. Judges are held to a higher standard than politicians running for other public office. Sciscento should run an election on his merits and accomplishments while on the bench. Still, instead, he chooses to actively interfere with this election to confuse and manipulate voters for his self-interest. There are only two ways to run an election: scared or Unopposed. Sciscento has run Unopposed for years, and now he is running scared!

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Bravo: Las Vegas Justice of the Peace, Department 2
1 hour, 14 minutes, 23 seconds

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Ava Natalia Bravo candidate for Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Department 2 on the Veterans In Politics video Internet talk-show. Special co-host Barbara Leuschen.


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