Photo of Kacin, Alvin R
Kacin, Alvin R
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Kacin Gives Elko Man Prison For Theft Of GunsMay 10, 2023  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Sentences Elko Man On Gun ChargeMay 8, 2023  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin's 1-3 Year Sentence Mentioned As Same Man Again Convicted For Possession Of DrugsMar 6, 2023  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Sentences Man In Possession Of Drugs To 12-32 MonthsJan 20, 2023  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Swears In Justice of the Peace SoderquistJan 4, 2023  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Lauds New Courthouse FacilityDec 27, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Declines To Intervene, County To Pay Ex-Deputy $175,000 For Wrongful TerminationDec 23, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Comments In Remembrance Of Public DefenderNov 22, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Sentences Multiple Defendants On Various Gun And Drug ChargesSep 8, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Lauds New Courtroom Opening In Former Bank BuildingSep 7, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Places Man Under House Arrest For Child LewdnessJul 26, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Orders Elko Man To Drug Court For TheftsJun 17, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Imposes Prison Term For Man Who Eluded Police OfficerMay 12, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Accepts Spring Creek Mom's Guilty Plea Following Her Arrest With Drug ParaphernaliaApr 5, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Sentences Elko Man To 36-96 Months In Child Sex CaseMar 7, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Gives Car Burglary Suspect Suspended SentenceFeb 9, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin Declines To Comment As Prosecutor Asks High Court To Revisit His Reversal In Trial Bias CaseFeb 2, 2022Associated Press
Kacin Sentences Man To Prison Following Drive-By ShootingFeb 1, 2022  Elko Daily Free Press
Kacin's Refusal To Allow Black Man New Trial Given Racial Comments Overturned On AppealJan 21, 2022The Associated Press
High Court Overturns Kacin's Refusal To Give Black Man New Trial Given Racial CommentsJan 21, 2022Nevada Appeal

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