Photo of Wagner, Richard Alfred
Wagner, Richard Alfred
Sixth Judicial District Court
Dept.: 1

District Court Judge

Error Rate: 22.66%157  / 46   

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  • Elected District Court Judge to Dept. 1 of the Sixth Judicial District Court on Jan 7, 1991.
  • Served to completion on Jan 6, 1997.
  • Elected District Court Judge to Dept. 1 of the Sixth Judicial District Court on Jan 6, 1997.
  • Served to completion on Jan 6, 2003.
  • Elected District Court Judge to Dept. 1 of the Sixth Judicial District Court on Jan 6, 2003.
  • Served to completion on Jan 5, 2009.
  • Elected District Court Judge to Dept. 1 of the Sixth Judicial District Court on Jan 5, 2009.
  • Served to completion on Jan 5, 2015.
Supreme Court logo
Case No: 83884
Court Of Appeals
Sep 22, 2022
287 days since filing.

Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of conviction AFFIRMED." Court of Appeals-MG/JT/BB (SC)

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 66601
Court Of Appeals
May 6, 2016
584 days since filing.

Filed "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." fn1[With regard to appellant''s October 7, 2014; June 19, 2015; and July 14, 2015, letters, and his July 1, 2015, motion, we agree that Alicia Lerud should be removed from the caption, and we therefore direct the clerk of the court to conform the caption for this appeal to the caption on this order.] fn2[Having considered appellant''s November 5, 2014, motion for appointment of counsel on appeal, we conclude that appointment of counsel i

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 66933
Supreme Court
Apr 21, 2016
513 days since filing.

Filed Order of Reversal and Remand. "ORDER the judgment of the district court REVERSED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." NNP16D-MD/MC/MG.

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 62826
Supreme Court
Feb 1, 2016
1049 days since filing.

Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." NNP15-NS/MG/KP.

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 66951
Court Of Appeals
Jan 21, 2016
416 days since filing.

Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." Court of Appeals-MG/JT/AS

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 64694
Supreme Court
Sep 24, 2015
636 days since filing.

Filed Authored Opinion. "Petition for reconsideration granted; affirmed." Before the Court En Banc. Author: Saitta, J. Majority: Saitta/Hardesty/Parraguirre/Douglas/Cherry/Gibbons/Pickering. 131 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 75. EN BANC

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 66435
Court Of Appeals
Sep 16, 2015
377 days since filing.

Filed Order of Reversal and Remand by the Court of Appeals. "We reverse the district court''s order granting summary judgment and its denial of his motion for leave to amend his complaint and remand this matter for further proceedings consistent with this order." Court of Appeals-MG/JT/AS.

Supreme Court logo
Case No: 66787
Court Of Appeals
Aug 31, 2015
306 days since filing.

Filed Order of Reversal and Remand by the Court of Appeals. "ORDER the judgment of the district court REVERSED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." Fn3[we deny all relief requested in appellant''s April 14, 2015, "Request for Submission and Disposition of Appeal" as moot]. Court of Appeals-MG/JT/AS.

1990 Election
59.08% (3875 votes)
General Election
Nov 6, 1990

Ranked 1st out of 2 candidates and won.

Wagner At Odds With Burning Man
Courthouse News 
Aug 17, 2012
Wagner Orders Inmates Immediate Release
Las Vegas Review Journal   
Sep 24, 2010

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