Photo of Shearing, Miriam C
Shearing, Miriam C
Supreme Court
Seat: A


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Shearing's Victory Over Judge Thompson Mentioned In Historic OutlineNov 2, 2022Nevada Appeal
Shearing To Serve As Grand Marshal Of Nevada Day ParadeOct 28, 2022Carson Now
Shearing Named 2022 Nevada Day Parade Grand MarshalAug 10, 2022KTVN Channel 2
Shearing's Election As First Woman On Supreme Court Mentioned As 5-2 Female Majority Takes RootMay 12, 2022News 3
Shearing's Elevation To Supreme Court Mentioned In Judge Oesterle's Remarks On Judge Rose's PassingFeb 15, 2022  Las Vegas Review Journal
Shearing A Modest Woman Of Many FirstsOct 19, 2021University of Nevada Las Vegas
Shearing First Woman To Serve As District Judge And Supreme Court JusticeApr 15, 2019  Las Vegas Sun
Shearing, First Woman On Supreme Court, Mentioned As Female Majority Takes BenchJan 12, 2019KNPR
Shearing Says "About Time" Female Majority On Supreme CourtJan 11, 2019  Las Vegas Review Journal
Shearing Recalls Being Told "Women Shouldn't Be Judges" In 1976Jan 11, 2019Maimi Herald
Shearing's Trailblazing Mentioned As Female Majority Takes Supreme Court BenchJan 11, 2019Associated Press
Shearing's Receipt Of Legacy Of Justice Award Mentioned As Judge Pickering Rotates Into Chief Justice RoleDec 31, 2012Carson Now
Shearing's Role As First Woman Chief Justice Mentioned As Judge Pickering To Rotate Into RoleDec 31, 2012Carson Now
Shearing First Woman Elected To Supreme CourtOct 1, 2012  Las Vegas Review Journal
Shearing's Senior Judge Commission Mentioned As Non-Elected Positions QuestionedJan 23, 2009  Las Vegas Sun
Attorney Jenkins Mentioned Work With Shearing In District Court RaceJul 23, 2008Nevada Appeal
Shearing's Colleague Runs For District CourtJul 23, 2008Nevada Appeal
Shearing Authors Decision Overturning Death Sentence In Skinhead KillingDec 21, 2004  Las Vegas Sun
Shearing Authors Opinion Awarding Damages To Company After Transportation Department Condemned Parcel Of PropertyDec 20, 2004  Las Vegas Sun
Shearing Will Not Run For Third TermApr 15, 2004  Las Vegas Sun

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